Friday, January 22, 2010

Why some projects and not others?

I find myself preferentially knitting on some projects more than others. I was so excited when I started my LSU socks, now they just sit in their bag and are barely worked on. I love them and want to finish them. I somehow think it is the magic loop method. I am not a fan of contantly sliding and moving the stitches around. I love the idea and don't find it difficult to do. I recently made a pair of fingerless mitts for myself. I knit them quickly on dpn's. Is it cause I can just keep going and going around and around without re-arranging all the stitches? I am tempted to place one of my socks on dpn's and see if I get more knit quickly.

Don't even get my started on the giraffe. I know why I don't work on that one; I don't like the pattern. I find the directions hard to read and confusing. The reason I can't the toy is the finished product is sooo cute! I just hope it is worth it and I can actually give it away in the end. I am tempted to look for a new pattern, but somehow I know I won't.

Time to get knitting again.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So I must still be on a knitting high! I have bound off another scarf, made another hat, and finished a fingerless mitt. I pretended to start a shawl today, but do to not reading the directions I had to frog the first attempt. The lace pattern looks relatively easy (yes I realize looks can be deceiving).

This Wednesday night my knitting group is going to have a frog party. Surprisingly, I don't have anything to frog, but I am going to take the giraffe toy that has been haunting me in hopes of working on it. Natasha says I'm not allowed to leave unless I have more of the giraffe knit when I leave. I am bringing only that toy with me...I must finish it before my friend's son starts college-I realize he is only a few months old now so I should have plenty of time to reach that goal.

Since I still have one hand that is mitt-less, it's back to knitting for me!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More big changes and lots of knitting!

Again lots have changed in my life since my last pledge to do this more often. I am now back with my husband (yes I was as surprised as anyone) and things are really well. I dare not say easy cause by far they are not, but they are so much better than it was. I am also happy. So lots of knitting. I have finished a wonderful Clapotis made from this stunning blue sea-silk that was actually a gift from David back at the height of our fighting. I was never able to pick up this yarn and knit it until we decided to give us another go. I look at the wrap and I am amazed that something like that came from my hands (I hope to get pics up at some point). I have also managed to crank out 2 scarves and a had recently. The first scarf and hat are thick and chunky and made of wool. I made a joke saying that I was only going to wear it when we venture to Tahoe cause it doesn't get cold enough for it here in Southern California. The very next day David called to tell me that it looks like we are moving to Northbend, Oregon. I have found a use for my scarf (although it won't be till next winter).

I have had the knitting Mojo with me the past few weeks. I just can't seem to put it down or stop thinking about it. It is not unusual that I have knitting with me everywhere I go, but I find myself yearning to pull it out and work on it way more often than I have previously. By no means should you take this as complaining...I love this new Mojo that I have found. I think part of it is getting to start new things that I have been not-so-patiently waiting to start. I am currently working on a pair of fingerless mitts called Susie's Reading Mitts and my LSU socks. My next project after one of these is complete is to start on the Shoalwater Shawl. That will be my first attempt at a big lace pattern. I don't wear shawls and know no one who does, but it will be beautiful. I will find a use for it!